سوق الطيبة
قبل 2 شهر خدمات

تفاصيل الإعلان

Budget Translation Translating a budget for many projects is important and must be obtained with great accuracy, taking into account that it is free of errors, as the company's budget is one of the most important data through which the financial plan is built in proportion to the company in addition to that it puts the current situation on which the company is based in general. When you resort to translating your company's budget, you must understand well that the balance sheet is an important financial and legal document that you must translate accurately without any errors, you should resort to a professional office with experience in translating such contracts, so we advise you to resort to the linguists office as it is the largest translation office in Riyadh and approved by many embassies around the world. How is a budget translated in linguists Dear customer, translating a budget for any company is one of the sensitive matters that must be taken into account and take into account the proofreading as well, so the translator who will translate must be familiar with all the translation of financial affairs and have great experience in such matters, and well aware of all th

السعودية / الرياض |المشاهدات96
350 ر.س
بلغ إذا كان مخالف
تفاصيل الناشر
مكتب ترجمة معتمد لجميع اللغات

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واتساب المُعلن